By: Petrus Maure, S. Kom.
Referring to the development concept of the central and regional governments that are aggressively accelerating the development and management of human resources through the tourism sector, East Nusa Tenggara is projected as a gateway for ecological tourism. This concept requires all elements to carry out planning and action according to the portion of their responsibilities. Tourism is a complex development concept because it involves all elements in the tourism area, so it requires collaborative and collective work in tourism development.
Along with the increasingly critical condition of the earth due to the impact of greedy utilization of human needs, as well as the construction of large-scale factories and irresponsible human consumption patterns, development through responsible tourism with a sustainable pattern is an option that must be done both in planning and utilization.
According to the concept of sustainable tourism, universities play a very important role in reviewing tourism development planning and directing government policies related to good and correct tourism development. To achieve a good tourism destination, it is reasonable that it takes time and careful planning to make a profit. The university also has the duty and responsibility to prepare reliable and qualified human resources in the world of tourism.
with the student service of the Tribuana University (UNTRIB) Kalabahi, through
the Community Learning and Assistance Program (KBPM) in 2021, the
Multiplication of Stube HEMAT in Alor collectively synergizes the existing
components by mapping and assessing all tourism potencies and problems in Air
Mancur village. These interesting findings were presented together with the
Village Government, the Tourism Awareness Group (POKDARWIS), the Air Mancur
English Course Group, and the Multiplication of Stube-HEMAT in Alor during a
one-day seminar (30/08/2021).
By the target of the KBPM program, UNTRIB for the 2020-2021 academic year "Together with Untrib We Build Alor Tourism", the chosen seminar theme is "Building Air Mancur village Through Integrative Tourism". The invited resource persons related to issues that included: 1) management and basic tourism planning, presented by the Alor Tourism Office, Abdullah Sawaka, SE (Head of SDP Development and Creative Economy); 2) human resources and development studies through tourism, presented by the Chancellor of UNTRIB, Alvonso F. Gorang, MM; 3) tourism areas that intersect with conservation forest areas, presented by legal experts, Rudi K. Lema Killa, SH.M.Kn; and 4) planning and allocating the concept of tourism in a simple way presented by Alor tourism practitioners, Jefrianus Imanuel Hingmo, S.Pd, M.Sc.
The representative of Tourism Office, Abdullah explained the strategy and direction of local government policies in the development and development of tourism in Alor during the current government period in realizing the strategic program of the Alor Regent, namely, "Sufficient Alor, Healthy Alor and Smart Alor".
In terms of academics, the Chancellor of UNTRIB emphasized university programs that are ready to support tourism development through study rooms and the service of lecturers and students. Because young people, especially students, have great power in solving development challenges in their own regions, or villages. To answer the findings of legal issues related to customary rights in conservation areas, resource persons emphasized the strength of the community and customary law in the area of each village. The existing obstacle so far is the low strength of traditional institutions in the practice of work management and organization, which has a value system that determines the economic, social, and legal institutions in the village area.
Tourism practitioner Jefrianus Imanuel Hingmo, as the closing speaker delivered an understanding of the simple concept of building tourism "Tourism is built as a result of achievements to maximize all existing local potencies". "Tourism is not cayenne pepper but coconut trees, which means that tourism cannot be fully enjoyed in a short time, but it takes time and a long process so that it can be fully enjoyed by both tourism objects and tourism subjects, or what is called sustainable tourism," he said.
the end of the seminar, he recommended a follow-up meeting on campus, to
discuss in detail the problems of indigenous people, and the existing resource
management system in Air Mancur village. KBPM students got excited as young
people and community empowerment groups continue to work in managing tourism
potencies that have been built together. ***
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