The trip to visit multiplicators on two islands, Alor and Sumba, gave impression to the board members who had the opportunity to meet them. The following are notes and impressions from Pdt. (Emiritus) Bambang Sumbodo, S.Th., M.Min after observing the local area and meeting personally.
young man has a ferocious face, but he has a tender heart like snow. He is
Petrus Maure, a computer graduated from a university in Yogyakarta. His
struggle for life and not mind to become a multiplicator and to be himself are
not easy because his parents who live in Kupang want him works as a state civil
servant. They financed their campus fees to become a state civil servant, but
he was not interested and he wanted to do something for children and young
people in Alor, so that they will not be left behind to face the future by held
English study groups in two different villages. The first was in Naila and the
second was in Pasi. The English study group at Naila is called ‘Lakatul’ or
‘nothing is hidden’, facilitated by Miss Marlis Mutiara Maure, a scholar on
fisheries. The group in Pasi is facilitated by Yusuf Tande, an English scholar,
and it is named Air Mancur.
Petrus is a hardworker, never feeling exhausted as the Javanese has parable ‘wong sing ora duwe udel' (a person who does not have a navel) like a horse with the measure of strength (PK). Besides pioneering an English course with his friends in Alor, Petrus also gathers young people and students to be trained to make creative screen printing and handicraft products made from local materials, and provides a gallery to market them, so that young people who do not have jobs can do productive activities. In addition, there is also a discussion group to discuss what is developing and currently happening in the community such as Pilkada (the regent election), the environment, agriculture, rocky land as well as socio-political and economic conditions, so that young people know and later they do not become victims of ignorance. This discussion group invites speakers who are competent in their specific field including preservation of the cultural heritage.
this initial pilot project that has just started in July 2020 can continue to
develop the young generation, especially the church youth to be pioneers of
advanced changes, and to proclaim God's love to everyone.
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